#249 Bleached Cuban Mahogany. (Swietenia mahogany) Blue Series

#249 Bleached Cuban Mahogany. (Swietenia mahogany) Blue Series


5.5” tall by 11” diameter. One of the most protected trees in the Western Hemisphere, the Cuban Mahogany was deforested almost to the point of extinction early in the 20th century. These trees grow heartily in south Florida, and the only way to get any of it to work with is through storm loss. I always feel very privileged to be able to work with it. You can also see the lighter colored, spalted sapwood in contrast to the more luxurious grain of the heartwood. There is also some beautiful movement in the grain as well. This piece, in color, does not look like the rest of my mahogany pieces due to the bleach applied to this particular piece before starting the epoxy process. 

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